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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The One?

I have been thinking lately about... The One. You know, The One we are destine to be with. Well I don't really believe that. It's not a biblical principle, is it? I'm unsure of that. I do believe that God gives us all guide lines to follow when we choose a man. I'll explain. We don't go marry a man that is crazy nut ball guy and expect him to change or to be The One. We need to follow guide lines; that's why they are there. We have to spend time with God to find out what these guide lines are. If you follow the guide lines God gives you and marry someone who follows those as well then God will bless your marriage and God will make that man your One . I'm not saying that you will have a perfect marriage with no problems but it will be a lot easy then someone who did not follow those guide lines. Even if you didn't follow those guide lines but you and your husband repent and change then God can work in your marriage.

This is just my thoughts. I am not a marriage counselor or anything. I am not married of course because I am only seventeen but I do believe what I said is true. I believe my God can do the impossible! Even in a marriage! 

                                                            Words from the south

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