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Monday, March 3, 2014

Goodbye Highschool!

I turned 18 recently and I'll be graduating very soon (in May). I'll be super busy for a while as prom is coming up as well and lots of other stuff. I wanted to take some time before I graduate to recap the last 4 years of my life (this isn't in detail haha).

 I am homeschooled (if you did not know) so I never really had the "real" highschool experience but what I did have was what I thought was pretty darn close. E.C. (school once a week) was filled with what you would find at a regular high school. Now don't get me wrong the idea of it was great for homeschoolers to get out and socialize but what the kids did wasn't cool. I'm not saying really bad stuff happened (like "that" stuff), I'm talking about kids dating, athletes that are jerks, and flat out bullying. Highschool. So, I did have a bit of a highschool experience but maybe not exactly as some people.

I really didn't have the best 4 highschool years (to be honest, I hated them), except for this last year, it's turning out pretty good. :) the past 3 years I really didn't have any friends at all and the friends I did have turned and stabbed me in the back, except for 1 and she didn't even go to e.c. (she is still my best friend). But if I could go back and change those 3 years, I wouldn't change 1 thing. I wouldn't because the hurt and struggle I went through made me stronger and wiser. It also prepared me to face the world and brought me closer to God.

 My senior year has been a great year and I have lots of friends. :D If I didn't go through what I did this year wouldn't be what it is. I don't think anyone has the best high school experience but you can either let that take you down or make you stronger. I don't think I could have made it through without God by my side the whole way. I thank God for the friends I have now. I'm not saying there is no drama or anything (because there is lots), it's just not backstabbing, tear you down drama. I'm saying learn from those straggules and let God carry you through them.

Goodbye Highschool, thank you for bringing me closer to God and making me stronger.

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. -John 8:36

Words from the south. 